Title: Sensing Touch from Images for Humans and Robots
Date: Friday, June 16, 2023
Time: 10am - Noon ET
In-Person Location: Klaus 1447
Virtual Link: https://gatech.zoom.us/j/95907899998?pwd=WGNwN29JaDlyOVBNenZsRDBrZVZsZz09
Patrick Grady
Robotics Ph.D. Student
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. Charlie Kemp (Advisor), Department of Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Tech
Dr. James Hays, School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech
Dr. Seth Hutchinson, School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech
Dr. Animesh Garg, School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech
Dr. Chengcheng Tang, Meta Reality Labs
To affect their environment, humans and robots use their hands and grippers to push, pick up, and manipulate the world around them. At the core of this interaction is physical contact which determines the underlying mechanics of the grasp. While contact is highly useful to understanding manipulation, it is difficult to measure. In this proposal, we explore methods to estimate contact between humans, robots, and objects using easy-to-collect imagery. First, we demonstrate a method which leverages subtle visual changes to infer the pressure between a human hand and surface using RGB images. We initially explore this work in a constrained laboratory setting, but also develop a weakly-supervised data collection technique to estimate hand pressure in less constrained settings. A parallel approach allows us to estimate the pressure and force that soft robotic grippers apply to their environments, allowing for precise closed-loop control of a robot. Finally, I propose extending the hand pressure estimation work by leveraging data which is labeled by human annotators to build a robust egocentric hand contact estimator. This estimator will be used to analyze human behavior in egocentric datasets and identify patterns in how people interact with their environment.