The following list of news includes information and articles that highlight what graduate students at Georgia Tech are doing, or information that you need to know. For a complete listing of all Institute news stories, visit Tech's News Center.

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
The fellowship recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported STEM disciplines who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees.
Blue Donkey Coffee (BDC) product team provides tips that we can use to elevate our home-brewed coffee.
Mary K. Holder from the School of Psychology provides tips for managing stress to keep your mind sharp during those final weeks of the semester. 
Congratulations to the four graduate students who brought home prizes in the final round of this year's Three Minute Thesis Competition on April 8. 
In early March, the Office of the Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Faculty Development officially split into two offices: the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Education and the Office of Faculty.
Eleven students will compete in the final round of this year's Three Minute Thesis Competition on April 8. 
Check out these six coffee shops near Georgia Tech's campus.
Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 Career, Research, and Innovation Development Conference Poster Competition and VentureLab Innovation Competition.